Our Commitments


The Great Commandment

Love God. Love your neighbor.

Jesus Christ

God’s ancient promises of salvation have come true in Jesus Christ, the Messiah and only-begotten Son of the Father. We seek to live our lives in the light of his life, death, and resurrection.

Holy Scripture

Our Christian faith is rooted in the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, summarized in the early creeds and reformed confessions of the church, and enriched by a breadth of historic Christian tradition.


Our lives are meant to flow in unceasing celebration of the God who has brought us into fellowship with himself in Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. We gather formally on Sundays to celebrate God and renew our lives in his Gospel story through singing, prayer, the exposition of Scripture, and Communion.



Because the Christian life takes shape within the ordinary relationships inside the church community, we are committed to creating space for real relationships. Through genuine involvement in each other’s lives, we encourage each other to see how in Jesus, God is breaking down divisions between people and weaving the story of his life throughout ours.


God has situated our church in Sioux Center, a small, agricultural, academic, and industrial outpost in rural Northwest Iowa. Through a historic understanding of the Christian faith, we work with other individuals, organizations, and churches in pursuing the well-being of this community. We seek to live and worship in ways that affirm the callings of professional, academic, agricultural, and family life, encouraging the advancement of kindness, cooperation, curiosity, culture-making, learning, and thought.


In our life together, we seek to enlarge and extend conversation rather than narrow it or end it. At the same time, we bear common convictions that emerge out of our commitments to Jesus, the kingdom, and the historic Christian faith. We welcome everyone who respects the Christian tradition and will engage their questions of faith whether they share our Christian commitments or not. We seek to promote conversation around faith and life that is characterized by mutual respect and motivated by love for God and neighbor.